
Holy Land Experience


Equinox Global Missions Holy Land Experience

July 11-22, 2022

In the summer of 2019, Jeremy and Clay traveled to Israel with the Equinox Orchestra and a few friends for their first ever Holy Land Experience and musical missions tour of Israel. So profound was that trip and so effective was the ministry, the demand for a return trip was obvious and folks were already signing up to travel in 2020. Those plans had to be abandoned as did the trip for 2021. But now, God has opened the door for them to return in 2022, and they are inviting you to join them! A Holy Land tour like no other, this unique opportunity will have three main objectives – 1) touring several of the most meaningful and pivotal locations in the Bible, 2) joining the Equinox Orchestra for some truly special performances throughout the tour, and 3) serving with Equinox Global Missions to bless the people of Israel through music and service projects. If you share Jeremy and Clay's passion for the Bible, their love of great entertainment, and their heart for spreading the love of Jesus, then this is a trip you do not want to miss! Guiding the group through the entire experience will be pastor and bible teacher David Cleland, son-in-law and protégé of renowned Holy Land theologian Doug Bookman of Shepherds Theological Seminary. David writes,

"The Bible tells the stories of real people who lived in real time in real places.  Israel is the stage on which the Biblical drama was played out, and we live in a time when we can walk around on that stage. Those people and places will come alive as we travel the Land of the Book. This will be a chance to do real study at these biblical sites.  Be prepared to walk, sometimes 7-8 miles a day. We will visit the sites and open the scriptures so that we can understand the biblical accounts in the spot where they took place. Geographical characteristics like routes, regions and topography will prove to be very significant in understanding the text. There are lots of ways to see Israel.  But the best way is to see it with a bible in mind.  In the end we’ll be able to pray with the Psalmist, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law.” (Psalm 119:18)."

Click HERE to read ‘3 Reasons to Study the Biblical Geography of Israel.

A few trip highlights include:

Arrival - Tel Aviv Tel Aviv is a modern city located on the shore of the Mediterranean.  Our hotel is located just a couple of blocks from the beach.  While in Tel Aviv you can make the short trip south on foot to Joppa (aka Jaffa).  Joppa was an important Israelite seaport in the days of Jonah (2 Chron. 2:16; Jonah 1:3).  Peter was staying with Simon the Tanner in Joppa when he received the vision of sheet with all kinds of food ( Acts 10).

Caesarea Maritima, Mount Carmel and Nazareth in the Jezreel Valley Just north of Tel Aviv on the coast of the Mediterranean we’ll visit the ancient port city Caesarea Maritima. Here we’ll consider Peter, Cornelius, Paul, Pilate and King Herod. Mt. Carmel, where Elijah battled the prophets of Baal, overlooks the Jezreel Valley, which is one of the most strategic locations in all of Israel. Across the valley from Mt. Carmel, lies the city of Nazareth where Jesus grew up. 


Hear what past guests have to say!


The Sea of Galilee The Sea of Galilee (aka the Sea of Kinnerret in the OT) is known as the place where Jesus lived during his public ministry.  We’ll take a boat ride on the Sea where Jesus calmed the storm. We’ll visit Capernaum, Jesus’ home and the base of His operations.  We’ll visit Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene, the Church of the Beatitudes which remembers the location of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. 

The Jordan Rift We’ll journey down to the lowest point on the face of the earth. Along the way we’ll visit Beth Shan–an ancient and well-preserved Roman City, a baptism site at the Jordan River, and float in the Dead Sea.

Judea and Jerusalem Jerusalem is a one of a kind city filled with ancient sites and modern amenities.  Our hotel sits within the Old City walls built by Sultan Suleiman I in the 1500’s AD.  Within walking distance of the Hotel Lobby sits the Western Wall, The Temple Mount, and The Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  We’ll spend a day walking the Jerusalem of the OT: the City of David, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, and the Pool of Siloam.  We’ll spend another day walking the Jerusalem of the NT thinking about Jesus’ final hours in the upper room, the Garden of Gethsemane and the site of the crucifixion.

TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE  $4,500 - Includes land fee, entry fees, ten (10) nights of hotel rooms, breakfast and dinner at the hotels, Equinox performances, all in-country group travel and scheduled tours with David Cleland as tour guide. Cost DOES NOT include air travel, individual ground transportation or midday meals. Travelers should budget an additional $200+ for lunches, ground transportation to and from the airport, and select activities/meals. Rooms are double occupancy and will be at the following three hotels, or similar to: Hotel Gilgal (Tel Aviv), Ron Beach Hotel, Tiberius (Sea of Galilee), and Gloria Hotel (Jerusalem). 

This experience will begin promptly at 6:00 PM local time in the lobby of Hotel Gilgal in Tel Aviv on Monday, July 11th. Schedule your arrival flights accordingly. It will end the afternoon of Thursday, July 21. The musicians will schedule their return flight to depart close to midnight that night arriving back in the U.S. on July 22. 

Restrictions and Requirements This experience will demand more of the traveler than the ordinary tourist trip, both in terms of daily schedule and physical exertion. Our days will begin early and involve several hours of hiking. It is important that each traveler be capable of walking up to 7 miles a day, often up and down steep hills, and possibly in rainy weather. However, for this time of year, be prepared for lots of sun and heat. Participants must also be in possession of a valid and unexpired passport (i.e., must not expire within six months of the departure date). Your health and safety are our utmost concern, so if you are at all apprehensive about so much physical activity, this may not be the best Holy Land experience for you. Those who would like to join the trip but may be unable to participate in the more demanding activities will be asked to opt out by waiting in one place for the group to return. Equinox Global Missions reserves the right to make such executive decisions for the health and welfare of the individual and for the best interests of the entire group. 

Reservations Space is extremely limited as there will only be room for 20 travelers in addition to the orchestra and support team, so book your trip today! 

Click the button below to secure your spot!